Alice Coltrane – The Ashram Tapes

Alice Coltrane

A fabulous mix from Dublab, containing tracks from the various ‘lost’ devotional music tapes Alice Coltrane made in the 1980s and 1990s. You need these in your life.

Download the mix (right click, save as). See the original Dublab post with more information on Alice and her ‘devotional’ period.

Ventures and Adventures in Topography


This is old news, of course, but if ever a series needed rediscovering and re-commissioning for a wider audience, it’s this: Ventures and Adventures in Topography presented by John Rogers and Nick Papadimitriou; 16 episodes of gentle wanderings and explorations of the outer and inner reaches of London, that act as both a spur to action, but also a kind of balm, a soporific emanation straight from the city’s unconscious. Go get – and while you’re there, if you can, pledge some money to the mighty Resonance.

Wounded Knee – Helmsdale Herring

This reworked version of Ewan MacColl’s “Shoals Of Herring” is based on research during my Archive Trails residency at the School Of Scottish Studies and relocates the narrator from Great Yarmouth to the East Neuk of Fife. Recorded live in the wonderful acoustics of the old Icehouse at Helmsdale.

Found this via the ever-excellent @cowsarejustfood. It’s a free download. Get on that shit.